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Weakness of arms & legs


"Regularly surveillance of your body function, consult your doctor if weakness is noticed."

         Movement of our arms and legs composed of co-ordinations from many organs. Begin from our brain command through brainstem and spinal cord then go further via nerve to each bunch of muscle and result in movement.

Brain to muscle.jpg

         Disease that disrupt at any point of this connection with cause weakness.

         Spinal cord is encased by spines, therefore, diseases of spine are often result in weakness. For example :

  • Cervical spondylosis compressing spinal cord

  • Disc herniation

  • Spondylolisthesis

  • Spine abscess

  • Tumor of spine

  • Spinal metastasis

         Weakness often begins from mild symptoms so it is important to observe your body frequently and seek medical consultation as soon as you notice abnormalities. Early detection and investigation usually result in a favorable outcome.

         Common problems that should urge you to meet the doctor are 

  • Impaired handwriting

  • Decrease handgrip power.

  • Unable to perform fine motor movement such as button up.

  • Frequent fall

  • Difficult in climbing up the stair.

        If the previous symptoms should occur, you should arrange an appointment with doctor or specialist in brain and spinal cord problems. Improper cares or managements could lead to permanent disabilities. Many patients may require additional investigations such as MRI of brain or spine.


InSpine Clinic 

 "Your spine health is our concern."

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